Robert and Doris Alin Legacy Scholarship $2,500 Sponsored by Robert and Doris Alin Legacy Endowment Fund
Brooke Peterson - Bowman County High School
University of Mary
Lauryn Heide - Divide County High School
Minot State University
Rebekka Bummer - Divide County High School
Minot State University
Sienna Voglewede - Fargo North High School
University of North Dakota
Dr. Fradkin Community Service Volunteer Scholarships $1,000
Mya Cudworth - New Rockford Sheyenne High School
Lake Region State College
Ali Moses - Thompson High School
University of North Dakota
Brayden Schmeichel - Jamestown High School
North Dakota State College of Science
Kierra Weight - Lamoure High School
North Dakota State University
Military Scholarships $1,000
Cassidy Sommer - Washburn High School
North Dakota State University
James A. Guy Memorial Scholarships $1,000 Sponsored by James A. Guy Memorial Scholarship Endowment Fund
Madison Baumgartner - St. Mary's Central High School
University of Minnesota
Kylee Nelson - Kenmare High School
Kansas State University: College of Veterinary Medicine - Manhattan
Caylie Graeber - Century High School
University of North Dakota
Maggie Oberlander -Valley City High School
North Dakota State University
Amber Schmaltz - Rugby High School
Minot State University
Jacob Corcoran - Fargo North High School
University of North Dakota
Breana Hauser - Century High School
North Dakota State University
Madeline Robinson - Fargo South High School
University of Minnesota
Olivia Tuhy - Lisbon High School
Concordia College
Christy Finck - Elgin - New Leipzig Public School
North Dakota State University
Joann Link Hetzel Memorial Scholarship $1,000 Sponsored by Joann Link Hetzel Endowment
Jackson Meidinger - Ashley High School
Bismarck State College
Brad and Julie Burgum Community Service Scholarships $1,000 Sponsored by Brad and Julie Burgum Community Service Endowment & Sanford Health
Brooklyn Klein - Fargo South High School
North Dakota State University
Rhiannon Solberg - Fargo South High School
North Dakota State University
Mallie Ann Breuer Scholarships $1,000 & $500 Sponsored by Mallie Ann Breuer Scholarship Fund Endowment
Sydney Mahrer - Wahpeton High School
North Dakota State University
Edward G. Marek Memorial Vocational Scholarship $1,000 Sponsored by Edward G. Marek Memorial Vocational Endowment
Kameron Parker - Central Cass High School
North Dakota State College of Science
Midwest AgEnergy Scholarships $1,000 Sponsored by Midwest AgEnergy
Brinklyn Johnson - Valley City High School
University of North Dakota
Kale Utley - Underwood High School
University of North Dakota
Professional Association Scholarships $1,000 Sponsored by Professional Insurance Agents of North Dakota, North Dakota Chiropractic Association, North Dakota Association of College Admissions Counselors, North Dakota Academy of Physician Assistants, North Dakota Grain Growers Association and Tech ND.
Brittany Liljenquist - Griggs County Central High School
University of North Dakota
Sponsored by the ND Academy of Physician Assistants Kathy Ohly Memorial Scholarship
Lauren Jorda - Dickinson High School
University of North Dakota
Sponsored by the North Dakota Grain Growers Association
Paige Haakenson - Dakota Prairie High School
University of Jamestown
Sponsored by the North Dakota Chiropractic Association
Jillian Hjelden - West Fargo High School
University of North Dakota
Sponsored by the North Dakota Grain Growers Association
Callie Lynch - Jamestown High School
North Dakota State University
Sponsored by the Professional Insurance Agents of North Dakota
Christian Walth - Bismarck High School
North Dakota State University
Sponsored by the North Dakota Grain Growers Association
Jennifer Neil - Williston High School
Williston State College
Sponsored by the Dakota Association for College Admission Counselors
Andrew King - Valley City High School
Valley City State University
Sponsored by the North Dakota Chiropractic Association
Isabelle Kraemer - Oak Grove Lutheran School
University of North Dakota
Sponsored by the Dakota Association for College Admission Counselors
Addyson Hughes - Des Lacs - Burlington High School
Minot State University
Sponsored by the Professional Insurance Agents of North Dakota
Kelly Zimmerman - Napoleon High School
North Dakota State University
Sponsored by the Professional Insurance Agents of North Dakota
Jordan Senger - Thompson High School
University of North Dakota
Sponsored by the North Dakota Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators
Alleigha Guthmiller - Carrington High School
Valley City State University
Sponsored by the North Dakota Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators
Stephanie Miller - North Star High School
Mayville State University - Mayville
Sponsored by the Dakota Association for College Admission Counselors
Samantha Braaten - Minot High School Magic City Campus
University of North Dakota
Sponsored by the ND Academy of Physician Assistants Kathy Ohly Memorial Scholarship
Returning Student Scholarships $1,000 Sponsored by Bank of North Dakota
Lexie Unhjem - Divide County High School
Florida State University
Ashley Nudell - Maple Valley High School
North Dakota State University
Justin Schafer - Mandan High School
University of North Dakota
Austin Barnhardt - Century High School
Montana State University
Stephanie Ziegler - Hazen High School
University of North Dakota
Madison Moch - Mandan High School
North Dakota State University
Alyssa Carmichael - Dickinson High School
North Dakota State University
Taylor Bergquist - Wilton High School
University of Mary
Morgan Reiser - Turtle Lake - Mercer High School
Minot State University
Morgan Anderson - Mandan High School
North Dakota State University
Aaron Voigt - MLS - Mohall High School
North Dakota State University
Paige Lagge - Garrison High School
University of Mary
Winston LaJesse - Wahpeton High School
University of Jamestown
Emily Scheresky - Washburn High School
University of North Dakota
Amber Daniel - Mandan High School
Minnesota State University
Wyatt Zachrison - Jamestown High School
Lake Area Technical Institute
Kyla Melland - Williston High School
Williston State College
Jeneca Kostad - Kenmare High School
Arizona State University
Emma Condit - Kenmare High School
Minot State University
Peyton Halverson - North Star High School
University of Nebraska Medical Center: College of Dentistry
Mikayla Wolfe - Tioga High School
North Dakota State University
Greyson Callaway - Beach High School - Beach
North Dakota State University
Alyssa Zachrison - Jamestown High School
North Dakota State College of Science
Luis Maria Mendoza - Watford City High School
Williston State College
Alayanna Klein - Hazen High School
University of Jamestown
Bailee Heitkamp -West Fargo Sheyenne High School
North Dakota State University
Kaitlyn Wagner - Richland 44 High School - Colfax
North Dakota State College of Science
Delaney McCray - Hazen High School
University of North Dakota
Grace Dragseth - Watford City High School
North Dakota State University
Janie Savelkoul - MLS - Mohall High School
Minot State University
Kayla Kinkead - MLS - Mohall High School
Minot State University
McKenzy Dean - Tioga High School
Miles City Community College
Maddisen Heiling - Powers Lake High School
Eastern Wyoming College
Garrett Stroklund - Kenmare High School
Bismarck State College
Jaden Mcneiley - Kenmare High School
Valley City State University
Madison Griffin - Kenmare High School
North Dakota State University
Derek Bear - Valley City State High School
Valley City State University
Kaylee Obrigewitch - Belfield High School
Dickinson State University
Gabriella Sullivan - Rugby High School
University of Jamestown
Griffin Kessel - Belfield High School
Bismarck State College
Riley Irmen - Minot High School Magic City Campus
Wake Forest University: Bowman Gray School of Medicine - Winston/Slalem